The People’s Conference 2024
Date: Tuesday 19th November
Time: 10.30am to 4.30pm
Place: Norton Park Conference Centre 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY
Who it’s for: people with experience of mental health issues living in Edinburgh and the Lothians
How to register: Booking is essential, please contact Amy on or 07910 983 030 (include any access or dietary needs you may have), or sign up on Eventbrite.
The People’s Conference is a free, annual event organised by CAPS Collective Advocacy group, Lothian Voices. The conference is for people with a lived experience of a mental health issue living in Edinburgh and the Lothians, to come together and talk about topics which interest and affect them.
This year’s People’s Conference title is “Lived Experience: Can you hear us?” and we will be talking about people’s lived experience involvement with panels, groups and consultations. Is lived experience valued? Who’s voices are heard? Does this involvement feel meaningful and is it taken seriously? What would people like to be done differently?
The People's Conference is a way to be heard
we can help organisations that use lived experience voices to be more inclusive
Three things to know about The People’s Conference:
- it’s an annual event run by and for people with mental health lived experience in Edinburgh and the Lothians;
- you can expect interesting discussions, speakers and a relaxed informal atmosphere;
- it is free to attend and we promise a nice lunch! 🙂