Could you help improve services for men with eating disorders?
The Seen But Not Heard Collective Advocacy Project are conducting interviews as part of a research project about men and eating disorders.
If you live in the UK and identify or align with the experience of being a man with an eating disorder, we would like to invite you to take part in an interview. Participants will get a £15 voucher.
Seen But Not Heard is carrying out the research. We are a collective advocacy group for people with personal experience of eating disorders. We work to promote the voice of people with lived experience of eating disorders, to raise awareness and campaign for change. We come together to share our stories to create awareness, to help educate others and to reduce stigma. Members of the group choose what they want to work on. We decide what is important. We draw on our experiences to raise awareness with the view to improving knowledge about eating disorders and eating disorder services. We have decided to carry out this research into men with eating disorders.
To take part, or for any questions, please contact: