On 16 January, the Out of Sight Out of Mind Planning Group visited an exhibition at the National Galleries titled ‘Women in Revolt! Art and Activism in the UK 1970–1990’. They received a tour of the exhibition from an artist working at the galleries.
The planning group saw how women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and people from ethnic minority groups had raised their voices using art. They saw art in all mediums: films, paintings, posters, photography, performance, zines and sculptures. Much of the art was made by people who had no training in art. There was also art by established artists and by groups that had formed in order to work towards change. Just some of the issues were about reproductive rights, equal pay, recognition as workers in the home, equal rights for LGBTQIA+ people and very many others. The group noted that many of the issues are still prevalent in society.

An inspiring trip for the Planning Group before they begin the work of planning the 13th Out of Sight Out of Mind exhibition. They will again create an opportunity for people who have experience of mental health issues to have their voices heard through their art. Get in touch for more information about taking part.
Email: exhibition@capsadvocacy.org, mobile: 07989402634, exhibition website: www.outofsightoutofmind.scot.