The 10th Out of Sight Out of Mind exhibition will take place in October, at Summerhall in Edinburgh. It is organised for and by people who have personal lived experience of mental health issues. CAPS hosts the exhibition. Find out about submitting your artwork, and about applying for a materials grant via the news section on the website. Or get in touch by email: or phone: 07989402634.
More info: Out of Sight Out of Mind News

There will be an afternoon tea on the 12th May. It is an opportunity to meet with the organisers and previous/future exhibitors of Out of Sight Out of Mind exhibition. Catch up with others, share your ideas and ask your questions about taking part or about getting involved in the exhibition’s planning. Everyone is welcome, especially those with an interest in art, tea and/or cake. Booking is essential, by email: or phone: 07989402634
More info: OOSOOM afternoon tea is back