Privacy Notice for Collective Advocacy Group Members
We need your information so you can take part in and be kept up-to-date about our Collective Advocacy projects. We’ll keep information about how to contact you, the local authority where you live, which projects you are interested in, which meetings and events you attend, and your experiences and opinions of services. We’ll use the information to keep you up-to-date about our events and opportunities, record meetings, report on people’s experiences and opinions and evaluate our work.
We’ll only use your information with your consent and your information will only be seen by people who need to see it as part of their work. However, we may sometimes have to pass on information if we believe you or another person might be at risk – for more information about this, please see our Confidentiality Policy.
If we put your experiences and opinions of services in publicly accessible reports, we’ll anonymise the information so you can’t be identified. We’ll keep your information and evidence of your consent for as long as you are interested in doing Collective Advocacy work with us – we’ll check every two years to see if this is the case.
You have the following rights about your information:
- the right to withdraw consent at any time;
- the right of access – e.g. to ask for a copy;
- the right to rectification – e.g. to ask us to correct mistakes;
- the right to erasure – e.g. to ask us to remove you from our contacts list;
- the right to restrict processing – e.g. to ask us to stop using it for a period of time if you think we are doing something wrong;
- the right to raise concerns with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you think we are doing something wrong. ICO website:
You can speak to one of the Collective Advocacy workers about any of these rights, or for more details about how we manage information, please see our Data Protection policy.