Edinburgh Thrive Arts Programme Small Grants 2022
Deadline midday Monday 14th February 2022
Small grants of up to £500 are available to support a range of events and activities throughout the year. Constituted groups, organisations and individuals can apply for up to £500. More information in the documents below.
Send Thrive Grant application forms to: Pam van de Brug at CAPS Independent Advocacy, by email pam@capsadvocacy.org
Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival (SMHAF) 2022
Deadline 5pm Monday 14th February 2022
Would you like to organise an event or an activity as part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival? It takes place in May of each year throughout Scotland and is a national platform for the arts in relation to mental health. The theme for this year’s festival is Gather. The dates are Wednesday 4th to Tuesday 24th May 2022.
SMHAF event applications in the Lothians are submitted together and so we ask for these forms a week in advance of the main festival timeline – Monday 14th February.
Lothians SMHAF Submission dates:
Monday 31st January: Send an email to Cat (cat.young@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk) with a short note on plans for the festival, this will give the team an idea of what to expect.
Monday 14th February: Final submissions due on this date.
Links to submission forms and guidance are below.
Send Lothian SMHAF plans and application forms to: Cat Young at Thrive, by email cat.young@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Contact Pam van de Brug at CAPS Independent Advocacy, by email pam@capsadvocacy.org (phone 07989402 634)
Or, if you are an individual living in the Lothians, with experience of mental health issues and would like to join a group online Zoom chat to discuss your applications and ideas with Pam and others, then please get in touch with Pam to ask for the link to join on Wednesday 2nd February 11am to 12pm.