The CAPS Much More Than a Label group visited Queen Margaret University to run a workshop for Art, Music and Drama Therapy students on personality disorder. We’ve reproduced some of the students responses in this article to show the power of sharing lived experience. One of the students even drew us a little bunny on their feedback form!

“Thank you for delivering this talk. I came into this talk with a lot of unknowns about BPD and I am coming away with lots of understanding that I can carry with me and develop from within my studies and my placement. A big thank you to the group members for sharing their experiences so candidly and being vulnerable with us.”
“I feel validated……..Today I didn’t feel alone. Diagnostic overshadowing has followed me throughout my life. I’ve had to fight to be heard at every point. Today… I didn’t feel alone. Thank you x”
“Thank you all for such and insightful talk and presentation! A big takeaway from today is the importance of validation and empathy when being with people who have a diagnosis of BPD and also understanding that each experience is unique with an array of symptoms that differ for each individual.”
Much More Than a Label
The Much More Than a Label (MMTAL) project is for people who have been given a diagnosis of a personality disorder or had experiences that they feel fit with a personality disorder diagnosis. They come together to have a collective voice and create change. One of the things they do is present workshops like this one for a range of people, including students whose studies relate to mental health. If you’d like to be involved, either to be part of the group or to find out how you can attend a workshop please contact Molly on
Experiences of psychosis
Another CAPS lived experience collective advocacy group, Experiences of Psychosis, have also delivered a workshop at Queen Margaret University and they’ve been enjoying returning to face to face delivery. Below are a few of their feedback responses;
My understanding of psychosis has changed – I admittedly today only understood it as how it was portrayed in movies – which I now know is extremely incorrect.
“It was interesting to learn that people can experience euphoria and a sense of purpose during a psychotic episode. It made me question whether or not it’s right to intervene since we all have different realities.”
“I have a shifted view on the treatment of psychosis and found the activist undertone motivating! I am hopefully to be part of the change and give others a voice!”
The activity on perspective taking was valuable + profound, it was a great way to begin the meaningful discussion. The imagery + creative writing responses were beautiful to learn about. Thank you so much.
Both the Experience of Psychosis and the Much More Than A Label group work with people with similar experiences to come together to work towards change in society in how people are treated. You can contact Molly on for more information.